As per your chart, you have a sincere and honest approach towards your work and career. You try to give your best and you work hard for achieving your goals.
The current period would turn positive for you from Oct 2022 onwards and it will be good and helpful to you till Sep 2024.
Your financial situation would take some time to ease out from 2028 onwards. You have potentially good chance of getting a job abroad and the current time is the right time for you to start looking for one.
Best wishes for your life ahead.
Kumbha Lagna with Lagna lord Saturn in the fifth house conjunct Mars; Jupiter the lord of eleventh and the second house is posited in the Lagna.
Sun is exalted in the third house and Venus is exalted in the second house. Rahu in the tenth house and Rahu Maha Dasha running with Mercury Antar Dasha starting in 2029.