You have a charming personality. You have deep emotions and thoughts about things in general and you don't share them so easily.
As per your chart, there is a minor delay indicated in your marriage which should be good to you for bringing stability through a matured mind. The current time is going to be good for you for your marriage and this positive influence extends till 2026 and there are good chances you could get married in this period, provided you put in efforts in that direction.
You would have a stable, good and a happy married life. Your partner would be a very energetic and fun loving individual with a soft mind.
Best Wishes.
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Dhanu Lagna with the Lagna lord Jupiter posited in the tenth house conjunct Moon; Seventh lord Mercury posited in the eighth house and Sun posited in the seventh house; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing with Venus Antar Dasha till 2026.