You have a beautiful and attractive personality. You take care of everyone and everything around and you would be a person with whom people would like to spend time.
There is a pretty good chance that your future spouse could be from a far off land or a foreign country. He could hail from a place which could be in the North or North Western place with reference to your birth place.
Your future spouse could be in a Technical role or could have own business as well. He would be quite and intelligent and could have a sharp mind. You would have a good time ahead with conjugal happiness.
Best Wishes.
Scorpio ascendant with the ascendant lord retrograde Mars posited in the twelfth house; Seventh lord Venus posited in the ninth house in conjunction with Rahu; Sun and Mercury conjunct are posited in the seventh house; Venus posited in the seventh house of Navamsha of Divisional Chart 9; Seventh lord of DC9 Sun is posited in the fifth house of DC9.