Your mind would be pretty much always occupied nd busy, you need to develop and train your mind to be peaceful so that you can focus clearly on jobs at hand.
The years 2024 would bring some positive news, thereafter again the year 2027 is good for you and from 2038 onwards things would settle down in your life. During these periods you would see good overall success, financial gains and recognition.
Give your best efforts and hard work, with focus of goals. You have good and stable future ahead.
Good Luck.
Dhanu Lagna with Lagna lord in the seventh house conjunct Venus and Rahu; Eighth lord Moon posited in Lagna conjunct Ketu;
Ashtakavarga scores of the tenth and eleventh houses are 33 and 31 respectively and the same for Dashamsha are 32 each; . Rahu MD starts in 2024, Jupiter AD in 2027 and then Sun AD in 2038.