You have a unique personality and you could also have some sort of self doubt and confidence issues, despite having good capability and skills, which you need to overcome.
As per your chart, you could do quite well in sectors related to Security, Armed Forces, sectors where public interaction is required, as you would have good, sweet communication and convincing abilities. You would have good ability with numbers which could propel you in to accounts, finance and related fields.
You would have a good progress in academics as it is just a matter of time and with some guidance and counselling you would do quite well in life.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu Lagna with the Lagna lord and Fourth lord Jupiter posited in the third house; Mars conjunct Mercury and Rahu posited in the Lagna; Fourth lord Jupiter exalted and posited in the eighth house conjunct Moon in the Chaturvimshamsha; Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 36.