You have a calm mind and cool attitude. You tend to have a responsible approach to life and sometimes you could be restless and you could achieve more with developed patience.
The current ongoing time is somewhat moderately favourable for you and a conducive and more favourable time starts from Oct 2023 and things would fall in place for you.
The fields which would be favourable to you as per your chart are healthcare sector, products and services connected to aviation, surface transport and logistics, shipping, trading sectors and to some extent education and finance.
You will be successful in your life, with the right approach and hard work you can attain good position in society and life.
Best Wishes.
Pisces ascendant with the ascendant lord and tenth lord Jupiter retrograde and debilitated in the eleventh house; Retrograde Saturn posited in the ascendant; Jupiter major period and Jupiter sub period starts from Oct 2023.