Astrology can analyse and find the compatibility with your partner or other person and find the level of matching between both of you by analysing both the charts, however it cannot analyse and find whether you will be in a relationship with a particular person.
As per your chart, there is a good possibility of your partner coming back to you in sometime. However, you can take some initiatives to hasten up the process of his comeback.
You have a positive time ongoing and you should be able to settle down a relationship soon. You would have a good life ahead.
Best Wishes.
Virgo ascendant with the ascendant lord Mercury posited in the second house conjunct a debilitated Sun; Mars conjunct South Node (Ketu) posited in the ascendant; Seventh lord retrograde Jupiter posited in the seventh house conjunct North Node (Rahu); Jupiter in its current transit is in Pisces the seventh house.