As per your chart, you will have the comfort of your own home. You could start the process of acquiring a house as early starting as April 2022 and there after, which is the earliest possible time currently.
If you slip this time line by March-2023, then the next opportunity would come to you by April-May 2024. The next 2 to 3 years are conducive for you to get into a property deal for getting your own house.
You have a definite comfort and pleasure indications of your own house in your chart.
Best Wishes.
Kanya Lagna with retrograde Saturn and Lagna lord in Makar in fifth house conjunct Sun; Rahu placed in twelfth house conjunct retrograde Jupiter and retrograde Mars.
Fourth lord retrograde Jupiter in twelfth house conjunct Rahu and a retrograde Mars. The fourth lord of Chaturthamsha is also Jupiter. Jupiter under a benefic Nakshatra Purvaphalguni.
Jupiter aspects partially the fourth house till Mar 2023 and gives full aspect to the fourth house there after for one full year. Ashtakavarga score of fourth house is 33.