The analysis with respect to children generally gives better results when the charts of both the husband and the wife are taken for analysis.
As per your chart, the current ongoing time is favourable to you for you to be able to conceive and this time period extends till end of the year 2024. There are no contra indications with respect to children in your chart.
You need to take advice of a professional nutritionist as a proper and well regulated diet as per the Vata, Pitta and Kapha balance of the body can do wonders. Maintain proper diet, keep your body cool, avoid spicy food.
Best Wishes.
Dhanu lagna with the lagna lord Jupiter posited in the tenth house; Fifth lord Mars retrograde and debilitated in the eighth house getting full aspect of Moon conjunct Saturn posited in the second house; Ashtakavarga score of fifth house is 26 in natal chart and also in Navamsa; Rahu Maha Dasha ongoing with Venus Antar Dasha till end of 2024.