As per your chart, we can say that there could be some delay in your conceiving and there are no major issues in your having children and you are blessed with the happiness of progeny.
The current ongoing time is positive for you for conception and this positive period spans up to 2026. You need to take good care of your body and keep your body cool, maintain the hormone balance and take professional medical advice as required.
Other factors are also required to be considered such as the analysis of your partner's chart, which could provide further insights.
Best Wishes.
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Mesha Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars posited in the Lagna conjunct Rahu; Fifth lord Sun posited in the twelfth house conjunct retrograde and debilitated Mercury and exalted and retrograde Venus; Ashtakavarga score of fifth house is 31; Mercury Maha Dasha with Venus Antar Dasha ongoing currently and spans up to 2026.