As per your chart, you have good earnings and income in your life. It also indicates good level of expenses, which could currently reduce your financial stability, but you are slated for having a good financial status in your life.
You would have sufficient and decent earnings in your life to contribute to the society. You need to continue with your efforts towards your goal and you could achieve your goals
Overall, you have a positive and up-lifting time ahead of you, which you can make the best use of using all your hard work, sincere and honest efforts.
Best Wishes.
Vrischika Lagna with the Lagna lord Mars retrograde and posited in the eighth house conjunct Jupiter; Ninth lord Moon posited in the ninth house; Ashtakavarga score of second house is good at 38; Eleventh lord Mercury posited in the fourth house conjunct Sun and Venus; Rahu posited in the eleventh house.