The current period is build up phase of your life as per your chart and this would continue for few more years and you will gain stability gradually.
The time starting from 2025 would bring good financial stability and you will be able to self sustain yourself. You can use the current time to establish yourself from all angles of your sources of earning.
You need to commit yourself to the needs of the moment and remain focussed on your goals without getting distracted by the routine chores. You need to start relying more on your intuitive abilities.
Best Wishes.
Aquarius ascendant with the ascendant lord Saturn retrograde and posited in the ascendant; Moon posited in the second house of Pisces; Eleventh lord Jupiter posited in the third house; Venus conjunct Mars and North Node (Rahu) in the fifth house and South Node (Ketu) posited in the eleventh house; Venus major period ongoing and Saturn sub period up to mid 2025.