You have an aggressive approach externally and you could be generally be thinking of being softer always in the hindsight.
The current time is volatile and not conducive to you but you have a good career in your life with quite good earning capability, as per your chart. Things could be much better for you from the second half of 2023 onwards.
Keep your efforts consistently towards making a career and you are sure to make a breakthrough. You have quite good potential, believe this and stay confident.
Good Luck
Cancer ascendant with ascendant lord Moon in the sixth house conjunct a retrograde Saturn; Sun posited in the ascendant; Tenth lord Mars posited in the second house in a friendly Sign Leo conjunct Mercury and Ketu.
Ashtakavarga score of tenth house is 36 and that of eleventh house is 41; Currently Moon Major Period is running and Jupiter Sub Period would start in June 2023.