As per your chart, there could be some delay in your conceiving for becoming a mother. You have favourable time coming up from Oct 2023 onwards which would last till end of 2024.
Chart analysis of the partner also gives additional insights in this matter regarding progeny. You need to also follow professional medical advice.
Take up regular Yoga and Pranayam in the mornings, maintain your body cool by having Satwik diet and avoid any spicy foods. You would conceive in due course of time.
Best Wishes.
Simha Lagna with the Lagna lord Sun posited in the eleventh house conjunct Mars and Rahu; Venus posited in the Lagna; Fifth lord Jupiter retrograde and posited in the fourth house; Ketu posited in the fifth house; Jupiter Maha Dasha ongoing and Sun Antar Dasha starts from Oct 2023 onwards.