You are gifted with a balanced mind. You think in a way that goes in all perspectives and not just unidirectional and occasionally you could have a tendency to worry a lot.
As per your chart, your health issues could be just temporary and a passing phase. You have a pretty good time which has just started for you and it would go on for pretty long time ahead in your life.
You need to take advantage of this positivity in every possible way by making your life better with respect to your health, career and everything else.
Best Wishes.
Mithuna Lagna with the Lagna lord retrograde Mercury posited in the second house conjunct Venus and Sun; Ketu posited in the Lagna; Mars conjunct Moon posited in the twelfth house and Jupiter posited in the third house; Jupiter Maha Dasha started in Feb 2023; Ashtakavarga score of sixth house is 32.