As per your chart, there is just a nominal delay in your marriage, This delay is good for you, as you and your future spouse would be more mature to understand each other and settle down in life quickly.
You could get married after Apr-May 2023 within a period of one year and thereafter again the time starting from April 2025 is good for you to get married for one year. The positivity is better and conducive for you and your marriage could solemnise.
You have a good married life with good conjugal happiness and bliss.
Best Wishes.
Gemini ascendant with the ascendant lord Mercury posited in the ninth house conjunct Sun and Mars; Seventh lord Jupiter posited in the seventh house; Jupiter transits to Aries from April 2023 and aspects the seventh house for one year and Jupiter transits Gemini the ascendant from April 2025 for one year.