You are an individual who is quite emotional and sentimental and you try to look for answers in every situation.
As per your chart, there are no negative indications with respect to your life partner/spouse and we can say that you are fortunate in terms of love and relationship. However you need to take care till the end of 2024 to maintain and get further maturity of the relationship.
Astrology cannot tell you if you will get to spend your life with a particular person, however the way the relationship would go can sure be analysed with the selected person.
Best Wishes.
Gemini ascendant with the ascendant lord Mercury posited in the second house conjunct a debilitated Mars; Sun posited in the ascendant conjunct Saturn; Seventh lord Jupiter posited in the third house.
Sun major period starts in April 2024 and Moon sub period starts in Aug 2024 and Jupiter sub sub period starts in Oct 2024.