You have artistic abilities along with an acute sense and an eye for minute details.
You should sure follow your interests and passion, however, you should give sufficient time to yourself, so that you achieve a professional status. This would take may be few years. You may continue and be in touch, practice, develop and master your passion and at the same time you need to have your career in to other fields as well.
This way you will always have more than one career, which will not only benefit you financially but give a personal satisfaction of achievements. Be positive and go ahead with your interest and love of music.
Best Wishes.
Simha Lagna with the Lagna lord Sun posited in the ninth house in exaltation and in conjunction with a debilitated Saturn and ninth lord Mars; Rahu posited in the Lagna; Moon posited in the sixth house in natal chart and in the fourth house in Navamsha and is also Vargottam; tenth lord Venus posited in the seventh house conjunct Jupiter and Ketu.